Cognitive assessment is the behavioral measurement of brain function. The evaluation consists of medical record review, clinical interview, and paper and pencil testing such as drawing pictures or solving puzzles. The neuropsychologist will compare your scores to healthy people of the same demographics and create a picture of how your brain is functioning. 


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Neuropsychological evaluation can aid in diagnosis of neurological disorders such as dementia. It can also provide information about strengths and weaknesses or disease progression in chronic illnesses such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease.

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Litigants or insurance companies can use neuropsychological evaluation to document symptoms, evaluate functional status of litigants, or provide expert testimony about cognitive effects of various neurological injuries or disease. Dr. Towns is approved for NY state workers compensation evaluations.



Neuropsychological evaluation can aid in the diagnosis of learning disabilities, autism, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It can also assist in obtaining necessary accommodations for school or testing purposes. Dr. Leaffer offers consultation for students struggling with remote learning and provides individualized recommendations for maximizing at-home learning.